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Raise a smile by renting a crowd πŸ˜€

It’s a simple technique but one which really works as a recent event held by Ribena and Lucozade revealed.

Create the ambiance of a Hollywood premiere

Two very prestigious drinks brands, Ribena and Lucozade, asked us to create the atmosphere of a Hollywood red carpet premiere at their yearly sales conference. The company were planning an energy packed conference, to motivate and encourage staff and management.

On arrival, delegates were greeted by a cheering, 50 strong crowd. Cameras flashed as the delegates walked up the red carpet to the entrance. This was a real Hollywood style entrance, bringing energy, enthusiasm and creating a real feel-good atmosphere pepping up the delegates ready the day’s events.

Renting a crowd

Finding people to act out this Hollywood scenario was easy. All Ribena & Lucozade had to do was contact us. We are experts at creating a great Rent Crowd for any event. Our staff are experienced, trained actors who can really get into the part and bring the magic alive.

We only choose the best and most suitable staff for your Rent a Crowd.

It is a very straightforward, simple procedure.

We begin by taking details of your event and the type of atmosphere you want to create.

We check every detail of your booking to make sure nothing is missed and there is no confusion.

We check our database and identify people who are ideal for the job. Their names and details are provided to you so that you can make your selection.

We book the chosen staff members and book them in.

We arrange a staff briefing so that they know exactly what they have to do, what costumes to wear, what roles they are playing. Every detail is covered. If there any briefing documents that you want circulated to the selected participants, we will pass them on and make sure they have read them.

We organise every detail and make sure that the staff are on site fifteen minutes before the event begins. You can rely on us – the crowd will be available on time and perform exactly as you want.